Monday, March 13, 2006

Mars Orbiter Makes Port

I'm trying to care about NASA's latest space probe, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Maybe if they'd given it a catchier name like "Scooter"...

I'm all in favor of science, but let's face it: Mars will still be available for exploration fifty, a hundred years from now or more. We're not in a cold war arms race with Soviet Union or anybody else -- so do we really need to be writing blank checks to Lockheed Martin?

Our genius president thinks so, but he believes there's no scientific evidence of global warming. We'd have been better off if Scalia hadn't sabotaged Al Gore, who just might have analyzed "prior attack on World Trade Center + Al Quaeda operatives not interested in landing large aircraft = ???"

Of course Gore wasn't listening to PNAC fascists who were hoping for "a new Pearl Harbor" to justify their imperialistic military adventurism. Its just like Vietnam -- Nixon saw Patton and invaded Laos; Bush saw Total Recall and invaded Mars.

We don't need more missile technology and spy satellites. We need to get our "boots on the ground" and start deploying earthly photovoltaic and fuel-cell technology. SS Major Wernher von Braun wasn't "exploring space" at Mittelwerk, and NASA isn't "doing science" on Mars. We've got plenty of science right here.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Chloe Dao Project Runway's Top Designer

Don't expect to run out and buy Chloe Dao's Lot 8 fashions immediately. Although Project Runway is auctioning off some of Chloe's winning designs, reports from The Houston Chronicle indicate that the diminutive (4'11") Vietnamese designer's business has doubled since the announcement of her win on the Bravo channel series, with some items selling out the first day.

Chloe Dao
                (Courtesy Lot 8)

City Search enthuses on Chloe's boutique, : "Former New York-based designer's atelier is for women with small budgets and a huge sense of style." The article goes on to state that in addition to her original couture designs, Chloe stocks items from French Connection as well as Max Azria's Parallel (now exclusively at Sears), BCBG, and To the Max lines.

Although, an online store is planned, the Lot 8 website hasn't been updated this year, nor is there any sign of a Spring 2006 collection -- undoubtedly due to Project Runway commitments.

We expect great things from Chloe in the future, including a new line developed with Banana Republic as part of the development deal she won on Project Runway.